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3 cups drawing

For this in class 3 cups drawing we were given 15 minutes to draw exactly what was in front of us. I will be honest I don't think my drawing turned out the best. I made the mistake of thinking that we had more than just 15 minutes. But overall I think I could say that my cups were evenly spaced and properly placed on the paper. I started to Shade in my cups but unfortunately I hadn't had enough time to finish.

Line Quality

To practice our Line Quilty drawing our teacher set up displays around the room. Small groups of students sat around the displays and find a small part of it in which they would draw. In the drawing, the students were directed by the teacher to use thick, thin, light, and dark lines. Keep in mind that this was a timed drawing so we had to capture the moment very quickly. Our teacher advises us to use a squinting method in order to find the outline of the shapes in a timely manner.


For this drawing, my teacher had the class using a standard graphite pencil. We were to bring in 3 objects or use things off the shelves of her room. When choosing my objects I really want something challenging to work with. The camera and the glass bottle took a lot of detail. We were to arrange them in an appealing way. My teacher taught us about how we need to keep the height of the bases in mind. She mentioned that a triangular arrange is an easy but yet good way to express each object. 

Self Portrait

Before this drawing, Ms. Arter helped us practice all of the anatomy. So when we were finished it was our jobs to draw ourselves. As students, we were given mirrors so we could get the correct proportions of our faces. She gave us the tip of looking more in the mirror rather than your paper, this helps because sometimes if you looked more at your paper you can get carried away of drawing not what you see. I was overall really satisfied with mine but I could attach a photo because it was sent to the Public Library to be displayed.

Choice Drawing

For my choice drawing, I wanted to draw a hand for sure and then I transformed it into a few things I like. When I drew the hand I wasn't intending it to be my own but I wanted to add some jewelry so I drew my bracelets. My phone happened to be sitting next to me so I drew that as well because its easier to draw things from real life rather from a photograph. I was working on a wooden table so I made that my background.

one point Perspective

For this one point perspective drawing, we had a lot of practice of the correct measurements. Ms. Arter taught us how to use a vanishing point and horizion lines to get the correct measurements. For this drawing, we used a graphite pencil. 

Gray Paper   (White and Black Charcol)

For this drawing, we used White and Black charcoal on a grey paper for the first time. I wanted to do another portrait drawing because I enjoy drawing facial features. I'm actually kind of proud of this drawing because I spent a lot of time on it. I would probably have to say out of everything I have learned to do in this class the grey paper was my favorite.

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